Concours A
This competitive entrance exam is valid for both ENSA and ENITA. It is open to students from the preparatory classes BCPST and TB.
For more information about the Concours A or to obtain an application form, contact:
Secrétariat des concours agronomiques et vétérinaires AgroParisTech
16, rue Claude Bernard
75 231 PARIS Cedex 05
Tel: 01
Web Page:
Concours B
This competitive entrance exam is valid for the four other ENSA and ENSIA. It is open to holders of a Licence in Science. For more information about Concours A and B or to obtain an application form, contact:
Secrétariat des concours agronomiques et vétérinairesAgroParisTech
16, rue Claude Bernard
75 231 PARIS Cedex 05
Tel: 01
Web Page:
CPP - INP Preparatory Classes
Preparation valid for the INP schools of Grenoble, Nancy and Toulouse. Admission to CPP is after the BAC based on academic records. The candidates selected are invited for an interview. Admissions are pronounced in July after taking into account the baccalauréat results.
For more information about the "cycle préparatoire" or to obtain an application form, contact:
Secrétariat du C.P.P Nancy
Rue du Doyen-Roubault
BP 211
54506 Vandoeuvre lès Nancy Cedex
Tel: 03
Web Page:
Concours C
This competitive entrance exam is valid for the four other ENSA et l'ENSIA. It is open to holders of a BTSA.
For more information about this Concours or to obtain an application form, contact:
Service des Concours Agronomiques et Vétérinaires
16, Rue Claude Bernard
75231 PARIS Cedex 05
Tel : 01 44 08 16 29 - Fax : 01 44 08 18 51
Web Page:
Concours C2
This competitive exam is open to holders of a DUT.
For more information about this Concours or to obtain an application form, contact:
Secrétariat des concours agronomiques et vétérinaires
16, rue Claude Bernard
75 231 PARIS Cedex 05
Tel: 01
Web Page:
Admission on records allows a limited number of students to enter ENSAIA without going through the “Competitive Exam CPGE”. The application form for admission on records is available by downloading here until 30 April 2014.
The maximum number of applicants accepted in 2014 is 3 for admission on records in 1st year (reserved for students outside of France) and 22 for admission on records in 2nd year.
Level of admission and level of studies required
- 1st year Engineer (or 3rd year of university studies) – only for students outside of France
You must have validated at least 3 years of university study: either Licence/Bachelor, or 180 validated ECTS (or the equivalent) - 2nd year Engineer (or 4th year of university studies) - Food Industries or Agronomy
You must have validated at least 4 years of university study: either Licence/Bachelor + 1 year of Master’s studies, or 240 validated ECTS (or the equivalent).
Candidates will need to have validated this level of studies in June or July of the year of candidature.
Procedure for admission on records
Your candidature will be examined in 2 phases by an admissions’ jury:
- Study of the candidature dossiers: a general ranking is established, by program, of all of the dossiers received according to their validity. The best ranking candidates will be invited for an interview.
- Interview with an admissions’ jury: to determine the final ranking. After the interview, the jury will decide on admitting, placing on a waiting list or rejecting the candidature.
Selection criteria
Particular attention is paid to the following elements:
- a high level scientific education (if possible without any interruption in studies)
- exemplary academic quality of your dossier (ranked among the best of your previous classes)
- your previous professional experience
- your knowledge of the food processing sector
- your career plans
- your human qualities
- your personal investment in extra-curricular activities
- your level of English. For students from a non-French-speaking country, a level B2 in French is required (except admission via the n+i network).
Required documents
- the application form, available to download starting in Spring
- a detailed curriculum vitae / resumé
- photocopies of your diplomas
- certificates for work placements or internships
- work certificates in the case of professional experience
- an application/cover letter
- 2 stamped self-addressed envelopes (with correct postage)
For students from non-French-speaking countries, all documents must be translated into French. For students outside of France, stamps are no longer required.
Calendar of the procedure for admission on records
Read the requirements attentively to make sure that you fulfill all the conditions for eligibility.
- March: Downloadable application form available on-line
- 30 Avril: Deadline for sending candidature dossiers (as attested to by postmark) to the Registrar’s Office (Service de la Scolarité)
- May: Evaluation of the dossiers by the admissions’ jury
- End of May: Notifications sent to candidates admissible for interviews
- 2nd part of June: Admissible candidates present themselves to the admissions’ jury (for students outside of France: the interview can be by telephone)
- End of June: Notification of the admissions results
- September: The university year starts for those admitted on records
Mandatory preliminary work placements
Unless you have been exempted by the interviewing jury, you must carry out work placement for a minimum of 4 weeks during the summer, according to the program you have chosen, either on a farm or in a food industry company. Finding a work placement is your responsibility. Given that you will not yet be enrolled as a student at ENSAIA, you will not be insured by the school during this training period (no possibility to issue a work placement agreement). However, if you enter ENSAIA, please note that you will be asked for a work placement report during your studies.
Enrollment fees (on an indicative basis)
The French Ministry of Higher Education bears the majority of the cost of an engineering education (about €10,000-12,000 €/year).
However, for an engineering education, the student fees that cannot be reduced are:
- University fees, about €650/year
- Tuition fees, about €180/year
- Student health insurance (mandatory), about €220/year
This is the order of magnitude of the costs given on an indicative basis so that you can plan your budget.
Under such advantageous financial conditions for its students, ENSAIA does not offer any grants, except in the case of certain partnerships.
Note that n+i students must anticipate supplementary fees for specific services that are reserved just for them.
Immigration formalities
You request for admission on records, alone, does not authorize your entry into France. For students outside of France, you must imperatively find out the administrative steps concerning your entry on French soil (visa, CEF procedure, etc.).
Admission on records via the réseau n+i is exclusively for non-French-speaking students (or for those who do not satisfy the B2 level in French requirement).
It allows for validating, under the condition of a sufficient level in studies, our engineering degree in 2 years (entitled Master’s n+) or one of our Master’s degrees in 1 year (entitled Master’s i).
This program offers:
- a Cultural Integration Package (PIC, days in Paris and visits)
- a Linguistic Integration Package (PIL, 7 weeks of intensive lessons in French as a Foreign Language and accommodation with a host family)
- a Methodology Integration Package (PIM, 4 months of scientific and language classes in Nancy)
During the PIM semester, (semester S7), n+i students will progressively join the ENSAIA students. Then, the program continues for 3 more semesters (S8, S9 and S10) in order to validate the degree.
Due to the numerous services put at the disposition of the n+i students, the admissions costs via the n+i network is significantly higher than those of regular students but these packages optimize the chances of succeeding in France.
If you would like to be admitted to ENSAIA through the n+i network, please first contact:
Inter-school admissions
Students in their 2nd year at an Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie (ENSA), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieur (ENSI) or an Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs des travaux Agricoles (ENITA) can carry out their specialization at ENSAIA. This admission is subject to authorization from the originating school.
Admission is possible:
- for Pre-Specialization in 2nd year (semester S8 – starting in April)
- for Specialization in 3rd year (semester S9 – starting in September)
Application must be made with ENSAIA’s Registrar’s Office (service de la scolarité) which will send all the necessary documents to the candidates. The completed and validated dossiers must be sent by the originating school to ENSAIA’s Registrar’s Office (service de scolarité):
- Before the end of December for admission to Pre-Specialization (S8s-S9-S10)
- Before the end of May for admission to Specialization (S9-10)
After ENSAIA validating the year of studies and a work placement, the student will graduate from his originating school. During their stay at ENSAIA, it is possible to validate one of the specialization-related Master’s.