Pharmacy Engineer

Pharma + ENSAIA program, a partnership between the school and the College of Pharmacy in Nancy, gives Pharmacy graduates the possibility to have 2 degrees with 7 years of university study (Bac + 7):

  • the State degree of Doctor of Pharmacy 

  • the ENSAIA Engineer degree

This initiative gives graduate pharmacists two areas of competency which allow them to have important positions in the food and pharmaceutics industries.
This program is open to all Pharmacy students in the industrial sector having their 5th year at the teaching hospital.  Students in the dispensary program can be admitted on records and with authorized dispensation.

The dossier for candidature must be filed with the registrar’s office at the College of Pharmacy before 31 May of the year in progress. The selection will be finalized with the candidate presenting himself before a mixed jury of members from the College of Pharmacy and ENSAIA.

  • 6th year: entrance in the 2nd year at ENSAIA
    A program for initiation to engineering sciences will begin the second year. The students will be in the “Food Industry” program or, exceptionally, the “Agronomy” program.
  • 7th year: 3rd year at ENSAIA
    Enroll in a specialization chosen among those offered by ENSAIA
    Work placement in the industrial sector for 6 months, which validates both Pharmacy and ENSAIA engineer programs.