Research at ENSAIA covers the whole of the food process sector. It includes activities relating to Life Sciences and Engineering Sciences applied to:

  • animal and plant production, from the cell to the organism (populations, agro-systems)
  • food, from the ingredients to food packaging
  • biotechnologies, from genes to products
  • the environment, from pollutants to treatments

The laboratories, approved by and affiliated with the Université de Lorraine, INRA or CNRS combine fundamental research and the development of innovative technological concepts with a continual passion toward transmitting and improving them. Their expertise is recognized at territorial, national, European and international levels.

As a school in Innovation, ENSAIA houses 8 start-ups that sprang up directly from its research laboratories. These young companies incarnate the close tie, which is strongly encouraged by the school, between academic research and socio-economic development.

This research is entirely backed by the school’s programs: curriculums for Engineers, Masters, PhD and "DU".