Visa & Immigration Information
There are several types of visas depending on the reason and the duration of your stay in France. It is therefore essential to apply for a visa adapted to your profile (studies, internship...) because the french visa can not be modified after your arrival in France.
More information:
Université de Lorraine
Insurances & Social Security
- Health Insurance
As international student, you can benefit from the french general healthcare system called "sécurité sociale". Please note that the heatlth insurance is compulsory for all the students in France*.
More information:
* If you are a European student and if you already have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you don't have to complete any process. Indeed, you can use your EHIC to have access to medical care in France.
- CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus)
All the international students must subscribe to the CVEC tax (campus and student life contribution) before their registration. Indeed, your CVEC ID will be essential to finalise your enrolment at ENSAIA. The students in exchange mobility or double degree don't have to pay the CVEC amount (the certificate of exemption has to be uploaded on line).
If you have any doubts or queries regarding your registration, please contact our international office:
Registration to the following address:
- Liability Insurance (Assurance responsabilité Civile)
Mandatory insurance which covers you in case of material or physical damages caused to a third party
To find an accommodation during your stay in France, you will have different options:
- CROUS public hall of residence
Your accommodation file (DSE) has to be uploaded on line
- Private students accommodation
- Housing Anywhere: The Université de Lorraine joined the international student housing network Housing Anywhere
- Studapart: A platform created by the Université de Lorraine gathering housing supplies from individual owners, estate agencies and students accommodation
Please note that in any case:
- You will need to get a guarantor to rent your room/studio/flat
If you are staying in a CROUS hall of residence, ENSAIA can be your guarantor
If you are staying in a private housing, the VISALE system helps you to get access to accommodation
- You will need to subscribe to a compulsory home insurance to get the key of your accommodation
Tuition fees and Scholarships
The cost of studying in France is among the lowest in the world.
The real annual cost of studying at ENSAIA is about 15 000 € per student. However, the French State supports most of the education costs for the public institutions.
Tuition fees (CVEC excluded) :
- 250 € for a year in Master programme
- 618 € for a year in Engineering programme
- 57 € for an exchange mobility
Scholarships for foreign students:
The ERASMUS + programme offers a large numbers of scholarships for foreign students.
Moreover, the Foreign Ministry's proposes different scholarships to foreign students:
-The Eiffel programme of excellence (for Master/Engineer or Doctorate level)
- The French embassies abroad
- The Campus France Tool "Campus Bourses" also provides all the useful information on the scholarships offered to foreign students
Living Costs in France
To properly live in France, you will need a monthly budget of 600 to 800 € to cover housing, food, insurances and transport expenses.
Student Support
- The B.E.E (Bureau des Etudiants Etrangers) of ENSAIA will help the foreign students before and during their mobility in Nancy. We use the "Buddy System" to ease the contact between the foreign students and the students from ENSAIA.
Do not hesitate to contact them to get all the useful information:
- You can also contact the E.S.N (International Exchange Student Network) based in Nancy